Our Customer Excellence Awards recognise our top Retailers for the quality of service that they give you as a customer.

What can I expect from an award-winning Retailer?

You can expect highly professional and attentive customer service, with clear and timely communications at every step. All of our winners routinely go the extra mile to help customers, and our award recognises the hard work that has gone into their all-round service.

How can I find a Customer Excellence Award Retailer?

You can use our Find a Retailer tool. Winning Retailers are clearly identified, and they also display the award logo on their marketing materials.

How are the winners decided?

Customers like you decide on the winners.

We look at thousands of Purchase Satisfaction and Service Satisfaction surveys. (One tally came to over 70,000 surveys in six months.) Each year, Customer Excellence Awards go to the Retailers with the best combined recommendation score.

After you buy a new Vauxhall or have your vehicle serviced, we invite you to fill in a survey so that your individual voice can be heard.