I. Purpose       


This policy sets out how we intend to protect the environment and achieve energy performance improvements.


II. Application


This policy applies to all Vauxhall employees. Managerial staff are responsible for driving a culture of environmental awareness and energy-consciousness.


III. Vision, Principles and Values


Vision – Vauxhall aspires to be a recognised CO2-neutral and waste–free automobile manufacturer and provider of mobility solutions. Our vision is the “Green Factory” – which we strive to achieve at each manufacturing site.


Environmental and Energy Principles – Vauxhall is committed to protecting human health, natural resources and the environment. This goes beyond compliance with the law and brings sound environmental and energy-conscious practices into all business decisions. Vauxhall is aiming for continuous improvement of environmental and energy performance by establishing appropriate objectives and targets. We will provide the necessary resources and implement management systems. We will monitor Vauxhall’s evolution towards the Green Factory by regularly tracking the environmental and energy performance of our production sites.


The following Environmental and Energy Principles provide the framework for setting objectives and targets, guiding Vauxhall personnel in the conduct of their daily work. 


1. We are committed to actions that preserve and restore the environment. This includes reducing waste and emissions, conserving resources, saving energy and recycling materials.


2. We will continue to pursue the development of alternative propulsion systems and sustainable mobility services to eliminate polluting emissions. 


3. We will continue to support the purchase of energy-efficient products and services, and design for energy performance improvement.


4. We will continue to work with government bodies for the development of technically sound and financially responsible environmental laws and regulations. 


5. We will continue to comply with legal requirements and other requirements to which Vauxhall subscribes related to energy use, consumption, efficiency and the environment.


6. We will continue to manage environmental protection with ISO 14001 or EMAS certified management systems at our manufacturing sites. For non-manufacturing sites, the required management systems will be determined based on risk assessments. At most of our manufacturing sites, energy performance is ISO 50001-certified and we are extending this to all manufacturing sites. We will continuously improve our management systems to enhance environmental and energy performance. 


7. We will request suppliers to maintain ISO 14001/ISO 50001 or equivalent certified systems. In addition, we will consider environmental and energy performance criteria when selecting suppliers.


8. We will continue to integrate environmental and energy operational tasks into our production systems, planning, maintenance and logistics operations. This will raise individuals’ awareness and responsibility, better controlling our risk. 


9. We are accessible and in dialog with internal and external stakeholders. This includes availability of information regarding our environmental and energy performance. We actively support initiatives enhancing environmental awareness, biodiversity and energy-consciousness. 


10. We are committed to transforming our organisation into a highly energy-efficient company.


IV. Compliance

This mandatory policy together with underlying company requirements and management systems is subject to regular monitoring, control and audit. Vauxhall business units are responsible for understanding and compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, as well as conforming with any applicable Vauxhall policies, standards, procedures and corporate requirements.