1. Complete your contact details

Please ensure you enter the email address you have used to sign up to Podpoint to be eligible and to access your promotion.

Available across the Vauxhall electric range on orders from 15 February 2024. ‘Free charging’ based on 5,900 miles & 48p kWh; charging cost prices correct as of [05 February 2024]. Average UK private mileage, DFT 2022. Administered as £675 credit loaded to PodPoint account. Offer available until 16th September 2024.

2. Consent

To administer this promotion, we, Vauxhall Motors Limited will process personal data about you in accordance with our privacy policy. We will also pass the information you provide on this form to Podpoint so that they can confirm your eligibility for this promotion and credit your Podpoint account. Podpoint will process your personal data as described in their privacy policy.

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A member of our team will be in touch with you shortly.